Thursday, June 7, 2012

Safe House

Check out the two major stars in the picture above, Ryan Reynolds and Denzel himself (he needs no last name!)  With these two power hitters in a flick advertised as an action movie, you'd think I would have rave reviews...NOT!

OK, before I turn critical, I'll try to be positive:   The film has lots of action sequences, including state-of-the-art car chases, shootouts, running pursuits, and more.  You'll get to see lots of cars squished and more than fifty baddies taken!  You'll no doubt enjoy Denzel's solid acting, which never disappoints.

But every film needs some kind of interesting plot, and scripting, and dialogue.  There was just very little story to support all the gunfire.  I am often one to view mindless violence...some of the really stupid films make no pretense about a good tale and just take you into back alleys for solid, old-fashioned violence with no redeeming value...I can handle, and enjoy, these works of "art!"

Safe House purports to be something else.  No spoiler, of course.

Basically, you've got good-guy CIA agent chasing allegedly bad guy CIA agent, and both on the run for their lives.  From whom?  How?  Why?  We eventually get our answers.  But the whole plot is so unbelievable that we feel hey, just give us violence and don't try to be so sophisticated!

Was it entertaining?  Yes.  Was it profound?  No.

Should you see it?



  1. Son, Greg, didn't like it either. Denzel carries a reputation for every movie being a good one. Yet every actor has a miss now and then. I'm a big Ryan Reynolds fan. Too bad here.

  2. Interesting that Greg did not care for it. Yes indeed, even big actors do a flop now and then. Remember Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner in Gigli? Denzel apparently produced Safe House. Quite often when actors either write or produce films, they seem to get their egos so caught up in the flick that they don't see the weaknesses.
