My wise spouse, a researcher by nature, came across a dandy of an Indie. We watched it last night and found it deeply moving and meaningful.
Meredith Bishop, a little known actress (welcome to the world of independent movies, where high paid stars are rare), deftly plays a compulsive thief. Well, not really a thief...more a benign department store shoplifter. See her in the picture above. The malls are her world, and stores are her prey.
Why does the poor girl steal? Well, not because she is really poor (pun intended). Rather, she's addicted to the thrill of the hunt. She's also addicted to a variety of pills and to a life of psychotherapy, bad choices, and confusion due to a similarly obsessive mother.
Enter the handsome Jsu Garcia, who plays the security manager. Garcia excels as the man behind the cameras, who, because of his own inclination toward crime, takes a shine to the pretty thing who lifts small objects from his store.
Therein lies the premise. No spoiler, as usual, but just imagine where such a plot can go! Add to the mix some gangsters and other strange folks, and you've got the makings of a wonderful story that focuses on compulsive behavior and its daunting results.
Grade of A-. Fantastic film, with a few minor flaws. Worth seeing! A thought-provoking piece of work.