Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Book Thief

This period piece takes us into a small village in Germany during the war, where food is scarce, bombs fall, Nazi propaganda is everywhere, and traumatized folks seek solace in the comfort of their homes.  From 1938 to the end of the war, we view the conflicts of normal folks as they strive to figure out how to survive, both physically and mentally, in the midst of madness.

No spoiler, of course.  But the setting is fascinating:  An older couple, played brilliantly by Geoffrey Rush and Emily Watson, adopt a young girl because they need "credits" from the government for more food.

The waif, played perfectly by the up and coming French star Sophie Nelisse, has to adjust to the quirks of the older couple.   They too have to adjust to her.  Everyone grows in the process.

Well, it turns out the girl, Liesl, loves books.  How does she get them?  Check out the title!  Don't worry, she's not a serious thief.  But she is crazy about reading.  The film offers contrasting themes: while she lives to read books, the Nazis live to burn them.

Now add to that enticing plot the fact that this couple is "righteous," bravely hiding out a young Jewish man and risking their lives in doing so.  Simple in their ways, the elderly pair come to grow on you as the film shows you small details of life during a horrendous period in history.

Is this a masterpiece?  Not quite.  Something is lacking.  Can't really say what it is without getting into details that I can't divulge.

Suffice it to say that the acting is extraordinary, the story gripping, and the setting educational.  The film has a dour tone, but it avoids the true horrors of the Nazi era.

Grade of A-  The film keeps you thinking long after you've left the theatre.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Breaking Bad (TV)

For more than five years, many TV fanatics like me have heard a lot of buzz about Breaking Bad.  I've said, sure, I'll get around to it.  Then the series started winning numerous awards, and folks over dinner asked me if I'd seen it.  Being a movie/TV reviewer, it was high time to get educated!

Well, more than 50 episodes later, I'm almost done with the series!  Yeah, I went back to the start where  I was supposed to begin, and sat there and watched the series like a real TV crazy....and what a delightful ride it has been.

At the risk of overusing superlatives, I'd have to say that Breaking Bad is the most original, thought-provoking, brilliant show I've ever seen on TV.  Bar none.  Yep, it's true.

So what's it about?  No spoiler ever from this reviewer, but here's the gist of it:  A high school Chemistry teacher suddenly faces a life crisis, when he turns up with a serious disease and has to find a way to pay his medical bills and care for his family.  He knows that on a teacher's salary he will never be able to leave his family well set, should he pass.

The solution:  Become a meth chef!

OK, that's basically it: The teacher turns to producing meth, and he works with a former student who is a drug dealer.  As the show progresses, we begin to like this guy, who is trying to do the best he can to take care of his family.

FACT:  We begin to get confused about our own values.  After all, we're all opposed to drugs.  But what if someone gets involved for a good cause?  Hmmmm....

As you watch the series, you begin to wonder where you really stand.  When is bad good?  When is good bad?  As you see the protagonists do things quite unimaginable, you begin to wonder what you would do in their situation.

The tension:  Well, in this "bad" world, there are "bad" dudes.  Yes, readers, how does a high school Chemistry teacher take on gangsters?  How does he take on the infamous cartel?  What does he do to survive?  Whom does he harm along the way?

Walt White, the Chemist, grows on you.  He loves his wife, son, daughter, and inlaws.  He becomes a father figure to the student who works with him.  He cares about people.  He has high standards.  He is a GOOD man.  But wait... Isn't he BAD?

Prepare to view the best acting ever.  Prepare to marvel at the best scripting ever.  Prepare to be dazzled.

A+++ plus plus.  My highest endorsement.  NOT to be missed by any viewer who considers himself/herself "good"....or is that "bad"?
