Remember Val Kilmer in The Ghost and the Darkness? That film was considered a gripping tale of man vs lion. Step aside, Val! Bridget Moynagan has taken your place!
Yeah, she's one tough lion fighter, this gal! Check out the picture above. That big male lion with blood all over his mouth has met his match! Pretty Bridget looks a little haggard, doesn't she? After all, it's not easy work trying to stay alive.
OK, you get the point.
You have to be into this particular film genre to really get it. Normally, I'm not. Fact is, I most enjoy shows on the big cats in such inocuous fare as Big Cat Diary. Truth to tell, the animals in nature are a pure joy to watch...when there's no Hollywoodizing about how vicious they are when they attack humans!
Big cat attacks on humans are incredibly rare, according to most data. In Africa, where beasts run wild, humans are more far more frequently killed by rhinos and elephants. But movies love to show lions, leopards, and tigers pouncing on us poor folks!
No spoiler, but I found this particular lion-hunts-man film very, very gripping. Bridget plays the new young wife to an older man with two kids who are not that crazy about the new family addition. So the husband sends the three out on a day's safari, where he hopes they will bond and make nice-nice. Bond they do...but under extraordinary circumstances!
When the lions roar, watch out!
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