If you enjoy the singing in Glee, you'll love The Wedding Weekend.
The plot is simple: Former male college glee-ers, friends from way back when, gather for the wedding of one of their members. More precisely, the men are all now in their late 30's, and they wish they were still in their young 20's...which means that they seek a fountain of youth that eludes them.
We witness great angst among the men, who, with spouses in tow, find themselves together on a large estate for a weekend. Naturally, we learn about marriages that teeter, men who have eyes for younger babes (a Swedish nanny), and women who wish their lives were different. We hear about career failures, relationship failures, and maturity failures.
Just as we must wade through Glee's humorous/less-than-humorous plot-lines as we anxiously await the song sequences, similarly we need to be patient with the 30-somethings who wallow in self-pity on their way to marvelous chorus scenes.
But...the wait is worth it. The all-male vocals, with harmonies that sound like barbershop quartets, provide fodder for a really unusual, emotionally complex story.
For those of us well past the 30 mark, we find it a bit hard to sympathize with the characters who, with black hair and lean physiques, figure they're ready for assisted living.
Grade of B+, for a fine effort at an engaging, but at times annoying, plot with outstanding musical moments.
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