OK, zombie fans, fasten your seat belts for a wild ride! The new AMC series is a winner. Zombies? Yes indeed. For an appreciation of the genre, please refer to this reviewer's comments on Woody Harrelson's fine film, Zombieland.
Not interested? Are you not interested in what makes people paranoid...what makes people join groups...what makes people hostile toward others...what makes people act like the weird social beings that they are?
You might see what this reviewer is implying. The new AMC series portrays zombies and those who flee from them, yes. But more importantly, it presents wonderful imagery, symbolism if you will, about the human condition. Think of zombies as metaphors for those we reject for reasons of color, race, creed, whatever. Think of those who escape the zombies as groupies who seek the comfort of others as they struggle to survive...sound like normal life?
Our daughter is a professor of philosophy, and, as usual, she steers us toward the "thinking" films. Anyone who enjoys some of TV's offbeat series, such as Mad Men, Big Love, and more, will see in new zombie shows much more than diseased freaks and escapers with guns.
So think LARGE, dear viewers, and give the AMC show a try. This reviewer has been riveted.
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