OK, Valerie, let's weigh in on the Big Show! I love the glamour, lights, action, gowns...the wonder of it all. So let me begin by saying that for this reviewer there's no such thing as a BAD Oscars. Mediocre? Yes indeed, that word works for me.
We begin with the hosts. The powers that be deemed it time to have youth return to the stage, to create the "hip" Oscars, as it were. Sorry, fail! Yes indeed, James and Anne were nice on the eyes...handsome young things with lots of energy. But wit? Comedic talent? Stage presence? Uhhhhh... no way.
The awards were mostly in the range of expectations. I would have nodded for Geoffrey Rush in the Best Supporting Actor role. I might have put Black Swan up as Best Picture. But no big surprises here.
What is missing is pizazz! What about the old days of the great comedians? What about song and dance? Not a bad idea to pay homage to some of the oldies, but let's do it right! Please give us many clips of famous films, with actors who have been shining lights.
Kirk Douglas as presenter? I feel sorry for the old veteran who suffered a stroke. But let's not put him in the position of embarrassing himself or others. And certainly let's not have him overseeing such an important award as Best Supporting Actress.
Overall? Lots of fun. A must-see! But there's lots of room for improvement. Your thoughts, Valerie?
Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Thanks for making my job easier, requiring I only add a few more remarks.
ReplyDeleteI shall always watch the Oscars. But this was the first year I was actually BORED. Seemed incredibly long, and they finished early! There was, simply, nothing to watch or be entertained by. Even the song performances were greatly abbreviated. The opener with hosts plugged into movies has been done before! (Billy Crystal)
Hosts were dreadful. I like James Franco as an actor, but geeze, when he looks into lights he squints as if in irritation. He acted intentionally bored by the whole event. That left Hathaway's sycophantic gushing to send me up a wall!
Then to balance this youthful dynamic, they bring on an older host (Billy Crystal) to introduce a still older host (Bob Hope). Poor F. and H.; the house's response to both Bs clearly indicated a nostalgic wish for their caliber to return!
We've seen Kirk Douglas on that stage at least once since his stroke. Once is enough. Yes, we all love and revere him, but this was so uncomfortable. Surely there are other geriatric legends to honor with this role.
I have no sympathy for Melissa Leo's "slip" of the tongue.
I felt the highlight of creativity came with the Best Picture nominees collage set to Firth's speech from King's Speech. Brilliantly done. Moving. So clever.
The Oscars of past have been known to win Emmys. Mediocre? I agree. Which is a scathing indictment for a show that celebrates excellence.
King's Speech was a crowd favorite, but like you, I would totally endorse Black Swan as a truly superior work of film art. How in the world did it miss the Oscar in editing??
Last note: I thought the fashions this year were tasteful, stunning, elegant, and feminine. Loved every singe frock - well, except for Kate Blanchett's, but she wins for original look. :-)
One more thing. For some reason, hubby was more into the Oscars than ever (BEFORE the show). We picked up sliders and egg rolls for dinner. He printed up ballots for us to compete with. (He beat me, can you believe it?) He came in to watch the show in his P-town film festival shirt (which meant I had to go don his Harkins shirt.) This was the only source of fun on Oscar night - making the fun ourselves.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Valerie, for adding comments with which I totally agree. Yes, the show was slow as molasses. The hosts were dullsville. Anne did indeed gush phone emotion. Melissa Leo's "slip" was low-brow and dumb. I too enjoyed Colin Firth's wit...typical of the well-educated Brits. Black Swan was the superior film, in my book. Also loved the gowns...and found Kate's wanting. Bianca said, "What in the world is she wearing, a bib?" (hahaha). And finally: watching with our dear spouses was the best part of all!