Restrepo recently won all kinds of awards for best documentary, so this reviewer had to watch it. The subject matter is not easy to view: We join a group of young men, many around 19, as they perch atop a mountain receiving and giving machine gun fire in endless battles with the Taliban.
The voices ring true: These are real soldiers eating, living, playing, and fighting together in the mountains of Afghanistan. We feel their fear, pain, courage, and misery. We grieve as they lose men who have become like brothers. Want to get a real sense of today's soldier fighting our wars? Then by all mean see Restrepo.
As I write this review, I cannot avoid the very controversial issue of politics. Whether readers are left or right of center, they will be proud of these kids who face danger every moment of every day. But as a child of the 60's, and as a protester against the Vietnam War, which today the majority of Americans feel was ill-conceived, I must question why we put our brave young soldiers in harm's way in Afghanistan.
The mountains seem to be inhabited by some very primitive folks whose lives resemble cave dwellers. These people do not want Americans there, at least from the footage offered in this film. They do not seem to have an army of their own to fight the "insurgents." They complain to the soldiers about losing a cow instead of caring about Americans losing their lives.
The Russians could not beat back the Taliban and left Afghanistan years ago. Why do we think we can? Why should we? Is this war really worth it? Worth losing valuable American lives? Is this really a war at all? What is the desired outcome?
This reviewer would like to see the American president, congress, and all others who support the war go up to the mountains to be with the soldiers. I would wonder how quickly old white-haired men would send our kids to battle, seemingly useless battle, if they were exposed to the hardships of war?
OK, enough ranting for one review. The film is excellent. Just wish I could watch it without getting furious.
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