My dear spouse and I were glued to the screen last night, watching a little-known (no, unknown) film called Exam. Made in England, the unusual flick is unlike anything I have seen.
Exam is a thinker. You join the protagonists in a search to unlock a puzzle.
No spoiler, but see those folks in the picture? They're the finalists for a very prestigious job in a big biochemical firm. They only have one task to complete: they have to answer one question posed by the proctor.
One question? How hard can that be?
Hard! Really hard. You see, there's some question about the question, and those who question the question find their careers in question! Sorry, could not resist...but just imagine what it would be like to have to figure out what a question is in order to answer it in order to obtain the job of your life!
Here's the rub: Will the finalists cooperate to solve the riddle? Or will they play dog-eat-dog. Or will they hurt each? Kill each other? So many options, and so little time to solve the enigma.
What fun!
I loved the film, but I would have to downgrade it to B+ only because of the "pill" introduced into the plot. What pill? Not a bitter one, readers...
Find out for yourselves!
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