Okay, here's a conundrum: There's a guy on TV whom I don't particularly like. Fact its, most folks tell me he's obnoxious. BUT: He has staying power and, at times, his shows are very, very insightful.
I must thank my dear spouse for bringing me back to Mr. Bourdain. I stopped watching him long ago. I found him smug, uncouth, and reeking of sexism. He seemed like the kind of man who had been married and divorced maybe, uh, 50 times! I said to myself, no need to watch the poster child for male arrogance.
Well, in truth, his personality has not changed. But with my spouse's wise guidance, I have begun to look past the man at his mission. He presents travelogues that are very unique, unlike any other out there. When Anthony take us to a city, he shows us aspects of a culture that we rarely see.
Case in point: his tour of Sao Paolo. Sure, he does his usual schtick on foods. He also takes us into the streets where the "real" people live. He shows us poverty, wealth, old, young...from so many points of view. The ultimate effect? An extraordinarily memorable view of a famous city.
My overall opinion: Go back and re-visit the man whom you would not want your daughter to date. He's an exceptional analyzer of foreign manners, foods, dress, and lifestyles.
Or: Try not to judge the package by the wrapping.
Grade: A or F.... depends on your tolerance for an annoying TV personality and level of interest in foreign cultures.
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