For those of you who don't know what the Fromm Institute is, it's simply the best-kept secret.... a Bay Area gem! In the heart of the city lies a small building full of bright, modern classrooms where expert professors lecture to "seniors" (I prefer "retirees") on a wide variety of topics. Just think: Folks who develop grey hair get to improve their minds and continue their quest for lifelong learning in an elderly-friendly, highly social environment, where the only goal is the pursuit of knowledge! Lest I sound like a proselyte, let me simply say that if such a learning center existed in the Phoenix metropolitan area, I'd live there!
OK, back to film. L.A. Confidential came out in 1997. It was chock full of extraordinary actors who created a fantastic whodunnit ambiance. No spoiler, but: The film takes place in the 50's, when there were few controls on police, and the concept of excessive police force was in its infancy.
Now take a story of police corruption and one or two honest cops who refuse to accept it.
Wow, what fun!
Just when you think you've got the story figured out, there is a new and unexpected plot twist. Add to the mix the beautiful Kim Basinger, a few officers who seek her out, and you can imagine the potential fireworks!
Yeah, the film's dated, but what a hum-dinger! If you missed it, please rent it! If you saw it and forgot the details, as I did, see it again!
Fantastic movie-making.
Grade of A+
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ReplyDeleteJust another reason to move to San Fran in my golden years. Your mom rocks!
ReplyDeleteL.A. Confidential is an old favorite of mine. It truly captures the genre and era. I don't see it as dated for that reason. The subject IS the era. And a good murder mystery is timeless. Bassinger's rendition of period actress, Veronica Lake, is flawless. Whenever I picture that film, my first image goes to the seamless fluid, champagne look of her from hair to art deco gown. My second image goes to Mulholland Drive. A favorite stop when I'm in L.A. Unsung performance here goes to Guy Pierce.
So right you are, film buddy. Kim truly IS Veronica Lake. Great acting by all in the flick. And yes, I agree, Guy Pearce steels the show. Cromwell is a great bad guy. All in all, a whopper. Mulholland Drive is another dark piecer...oh so good! Film "noir" is fun!
ReplyDeleteI vacillated on Guy's last name spelling; thanks for setting me straight!