Can you say "testosterone?" Son and I enjoyed a lovely, sentimental family romp last weekend, titled, The Expendables. I'll see just about any movie to spend time with son, but I actually wanted to see this flick. And therein lies the value of such a film; ya gotta simply be in the mood for what you know it will be. Sylvester Stallone wrote, produced, directed and stars in this meglomanic display (Rocky deja vu). The movie is enjoying the typical bad reviews and blockbuster attendance. I honestly enjoyed it! (So did son, who is most particular)
Here I will enumerate reasons for this guilty pleasure:
1. The cast. Where else can you see Sly, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Jason Statham (long a fan since Snatch), Steve Austin, Mickey Rourke, Bruce Willis, AND Governor Arnold S. in one movie?!
2. Sly wisely does all this with tongue lightly in cheek, not taking himself too seriously anymore. I swore I almost caught him winking at us from time to time, especially when in one scene these five guys take out about 300. Brother. Stallone is not pretty boy and does not end up with the girl 40 years his junior. But for a guy in his 60s, he's damn somethin'.
3. He gives the audience what the guys came for: plenty of Hollywood violence, some stunts of which were truly new to this viewer and the whole audience was given to collectively gasp. Wow. There were actually moments when I almost shouted, "Get him!! Kill him!!"
4. Stallone's script and directing actually manage to send the message: mercenaries are people too! When Statham's character says to his girlfriend, "See, that's what I do for a living. But I'm still worth it," it's said with humility. Rourke's got a scene of downright pathos as the aging mercenary confronts his soul-selling profession. Beautifully lit and paced.
5. There is plenty of humor in this. Scenes are heavy-handed to please the no-necks in the audience, yet the overall tone was light, acknowledging the audience's intelligence that yea - I know you know this is a movie. Let's just have a little fun.
6. Arnie's walk-on is hilarious.
Biggest criticism: Last action scene is ridiculously too long and redundant.
So there you have it. Hormonally, every female has a slight level of testosterone in her. Guess this movie appealed to mine. Either that, or it was the estrogen that it appealed to. -wink-
Hormones aside, this sounds like one great action movie! Many of my favorite stars are in it, and they are no doubt as superhuman as ever, grey hair and all.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy a bit of humor in the shoot-out style movies...going all the way back to the 007s. I will make a point of seeing this flick and comment properly once I have done so. You have indeed piqued my interest...and testosterone!