Joachim Phoenix, since emerging from the shadow of his charismatic brother, River, has become a gifted character actor. Remember him as the mark in Clay Pigeons? Remember him as Johnny Cash in Walk the Line? Once again, the actor with the intensive eyes creates a memorable role.
In Two Lovers, Joachim plays a socially withdrawn, troubled soul who, having parted ways with his fiancee, now lives in a muddied world of depression, exacerbated by his decision to reside with his parents. We feel for the tormented young man, who, lost in his way, reminds us at times of a more mature Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate.
Without giving away key elements of the story, we can safely say that our forlorn hero perks up when he meets not one, but two, beautiful women. Curiously, one is a cultured, intelligent brunette, who is part of his social milieu. The other is a blond bimbo who can't figure out whether to leave another man, who happens to be older and married.
With Vinessa Shaw playing the brunette and Gwyneth Paltrow playing the blond, two great actors pave the way for a very conflicted situation! Whom will the indecisive, arrested mid-30's adolescent, choose? How will he present his preferences to his family? What about future in-laws?
This viewer was spellbound by the whole situation. With the tightness of a stage play, the plot unfolds and surprises with each turn of events. Joachim Phoenix leaves a lasting impression of a young and destructive misfit.
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