The picture says it all: The lady on the left is an alien in human form. The guy in the middle wears an alien wrist band that shoots special beams, but he's not an alien. The guy on the right? Just Harrison Ford being Harrison Ford!
I dig tongue-in-cheek flicks. I can even dig really over-the-top creative films. I can only dig a hole for this loser and take the entire reel and toss it away!
The premise: Back in the days of the west, say the late 1800's, an alien craft lands and sends out little predators that look, well, surprisingly like the little alien predators of nearly every sci fi movie. So we have cowboys, that is, bad dudes, mostly, fighting folks from outer space. Gee, what 's wrong with this picture?
Not sure why this film does not work. Could it be the lousy acting? Lousy script? Lousy plot? I want to be more articulate, but sometimes films just don't do what they're supposed to!
Good points? Nice action shots. Nice scenery. Nice computer graphics of aliens.
I'd avoid this mish-mosh of a flick: It's neither a solid western nor a solid sci-fi piece. It's....uh...well...cowboys and aliens!
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