Poor Ricky Gervais! He's damned if he does, damned if he doesn't! I'm referring, of course, to his crassness last year and squeaky-clean act this year. Which Ricky do I prefer? The crass one! After all, this is evening TV, when the kiddies are not supposed to be watching.
OK, that issue aside. How were the awards? B-O-R-I-N-G! My spouse and I figured the three hours we watched were the longest three hours of our lives...and we fast-forwarded through the ads!
There was one good, genuine moment: It happened when Seth Rogen appeared next to the very dazzling Kate Beckinsale. He said he was trying to hide a "massive erection"! Poor Kate, not knowing what to say, simply started giggling. That was fun!
What really distinguishes a good awards show? The presenters, and the awardees, need pizzazz! I'm talking about great personalities. The issue is, however, that many actors don't have personalities at all! They are directed by the director to emote on screen, and we often confuse their screen personas with the real person.
Meryl Streep, a case in point: She is always so well spoken at the awards ceremonies. Why? Well, it would now seem she reads speeches. You see, this time, she lost her glasses, and all she could say was an expletive, followed by very common gibberish. Very un-Meryl-like!
And so on for the others. The comedians stand the most chance of being entertaining....but there are usually too few of them on stage and their lips are tied by censors.
Thus: A boring, dry show.
A few remarks:
ReplyDelete• My fascination/amusement/investment in award shows has greatly waned in the last few years. The Golden Globes, in particular, I never watch. In part, this is because it comes from journalists and the media - who care what they think? It's the same with the People's Choice - just a popularity contest. My respect still lies more with the Oscars, where those in the biz recognize their peers.
• I agree with you regarding performers' inflated images of personality; however, I shall come to Ms. Streep's defense. I think anyone should be forgiven during a glitch in the artificial setting of a major live award broadcast - yikes! And when I seen Streep in interviews (no safe scripting) she is engaging, funny, and totally self-deprecating.
• Always like the original Brit Office and Gervais's later Extras on HBO. Don't like him, though. Especially his a__hole hosting.
OK, film buddy, I stand properly corrected on Meryl. Yes, I too have heard her on talk shows and she is witty and charismatic. Maybe she just had a bad moment on The GGs. Yeah, gotta agree, the Oscars are probably the best, since it's peer review. However, I'm a sucker for Hollywood dazzle and gossip! SO I'll no doubt watch every award show that comes my way!