Well, if we did not know her then, we would come to know her as the campaign wore on. She's the one who said she could see Soviet land from Alaska. She's the one who said "you betcha!" She's the one who knew nothing about foreign policy and could not name a single newspaper she read. Remember?
The made-for-TV flick stars Ed Harris as John McCain and Julianne Moore as Sarah Palin. Both are outstanding. At times, Moore is so "right on" in her portrayal of the wannabe VP that we forget it's not the real Alaska gal herself. Step aside, Tina Fey!
Two other stars are standouts: Woody Harrelson steals the show as the campaign manager. It's amazing how Woody can go from the idiot barkeeper on Cheers to the bloodthirsty killer in Natural Born Killers to Stevie-boy in Game Change. Sarah Paulson, a little known actress, shines as the consultant hired to educate the illiterate, ill-informed Palin.
The best part of the film, however, is the amazing history lesson. The story takes us behind the scenes of a campaign in trouble. Who wanted Palin? McCain? His staff? When did the choice seem catastrophic?
I recall wondering why someone as clever as McCain would have made such a blunder. More on this topic....in the Game Change!
A must-see, even for guys like me who don't really DO politics!
I forgot. I mean, I truly forgot I was watching Julianne Moore and not the Alaskan diva! Amazing. This film project is about her, but not really. It is about the presidential campaign process. Just how far will you go to win, hmmm? That is the burning question behind the biggest historical and even literary plots (Macbeth, Julius Caesar...) Therein lies the breeding ground for corruption.
ReplyDeleteI have become a real fan of Steve Schmidt of MSNBC of late. He is a thoughtful conservative(oxymoron?)who is smart enough to be embarrassed by this cycle's leading candidates. AND, he takes full responsibility to the debacle of McCain's campaign. He and the female aide (forget name) told MSNBC this depiction is painfully accurate. My favorite line came with her admission regarding her vote. Wow.
This abominable, almost devastating promotion of Palin was a game change for McCain's campaign. Let us hope that this thoughtful replay (and the book it is based on) will prove to e a game change for future running mate selections (hear that, Mitt?!)
A very engaging, riveting film. I had a surreal moment envisioning Palin watching Moore watching Fey. OMG. Too rich!
Great comments, film buddy. Yes indeed, McCain was a fool. Imagine if instead of choosing the rummy he had persuaded, say, Colin Powell, to join him? Marianne Moore WAS Sarah Palin....hope she gets some kind of acting award for that job. As you point out, power corrupts. Caesar and Macbeth are merely two in a long line of egotistical power mongers. Loved your "oxymoron", English teacher!