Monday, February 25, 2013

Oscar BUST!

See Oscar above.  He got kicked to the ground last night, and he will need some time to heal and get back on his feet.

My beef?  Very, very inappropriate jokes.  For those of you who might have missed the show, there was a song and dance number about women's "boobs" that hit an all-time low, comments about gays, and an anti-semitic tirade that made us wonder if we were not back in pre-war Germany.

Here's an example of one joke about Lincoln that will go down in history as one of the most unpleasant moments on TV:   "I would argue, however, that the actor who really got inside Lincoln’s head was John Wilkes Booth."

The rest of the show was normal Oscar stuff, with pretty gowns and emotional thank you's on stage.  

But with such a sour taste in our mouths, it was really tough to enjoy the annual spectacle.

Grade:  F   A truly failing, infamous moment in TV viewing.


  1. I agree that the joke writers need to be in touch with reality. I found Seth McFarlane to be a poor MC. Hopefully the "Oscars" will be better next year

  2. I'm not sure what the interest shelf-life is on the Oscars, but I finally have a moment to weigh in a week later.

    I have always loved every minute of watching the Oscars, but the last couple of years I have grown increasingly bored with the show. Flat-out BORED. Hosts are dreadful. Scripts for presenters are lame. Humor is needed, but it needn't be vulgar and mean. (What else does one expect when Seth McFarland is hired?) We need another Bob Hope or Billy Crystal. I find myself watching it to the end to see the results, but I wonder why, when I can get it tomorrow in the Times.

    BTW: What was the great fascination with Chicago?

    And cutting off a lesser-known winner with the chopping strains of Jaws theme was despicable.

    Lastly, what was with Bobby DeNiro's suit that didn't remotely fit him?!

    These are my burning questions! (hahaha)

    Thanks for listening. I'll weigh in on winners in a separate comment post.

  3. I agree that the Oscars have been terribly slow. I also concur that great comedians, like Bob Hope and Billy Crystal, are sorely missed. Fact is, if the Oscar writers could figure out a decent script, even a classy non-comedian could do fine. The present Oscars, with the lowbrow jokes, hit an alltime low....very disappointing and distasteful.

  4. Now that we're back on the topic, I just read that folks are calling upon the Academy to condemn Seth's racist and sexist remarks. Here's the site:
