Monday, March 18, 2013

BOOO... (another Oscar complaint!)

Here are today's headlines:

Oscars producers defend Seth MacFarlane's 'irreverent' stint as host

For those who might have forgotten, the Oscars hit an all-time low in bad taste with jokes about women's breasts, gays, and Jews.

And now the producers are closing ranks.

How shameful....


  1. Oh, dear, dear friend, of course, you are right, but I worry you are losing sleep still over this issue. Once I heard who the host would be, I expected nothing else but what we got. The producers aimed for the lowest demographic (young male!) and they got it. I do, however, argue against this quote: "...I think what we did this year is to really make [the Oscars] part of the cultural conversation." Oh, contrare. They are making water-cooler talk, not cultural conversation. Gays as targets are past our sensitivity today, Jews in Hollywood is a worn-out and out-dated cliche, and most film-goers no longer raise eyebrows over names bearing boobs. Again - the immature, knee-jerk target.

    I, for one, am going to try to focus on films not film awards or their shows. Too much angst.

    Peace be with you.

  2. Thanks for your wise and kind words, film partner! I will heed your advice and strive to chill out, as I down the tall glass of Chardonnay by my computer. It's possible that all the sexism and racism in our society might drive me to drink. Peace to you too, friend.
