Friday, April 12, 2013

The Marine

Some movies have the worst scripts, the worst actors, the worst plot-lines, and the most stupidity....but strangely, sometimes these awful movies grip us!

OK, dare I say I enjoyed this ridiculous piece of nonsense?  Yes indeed!  Never the spoiler, I'll say just a bit: the story presents a muscle-bound ex-marine (yeah, that's the hunk in the picture....ladies can stop staring!) who struggles with civilian life.

His problem:  BOREDOM!  Yes, hard to believe, but Mr Muscles just can't seem find a job that keeps his interest.  Even beating up bad guys and throwing them through windows does not pique the interest of our "hero!"  After all, he used to carry a machine gun and run through enemy territory on a killing tear!

Worry not, dear viewers.  Muscles is about meet his match: very, very evil dudes who kidnap his wife.  Now that's a real no-no!

Marine to the rescue!

Well, I admitted the film was stupid, didn't I?  So why do I like it?  Simply for the over-the-top, mindless action.  You'll see cars being blown up like never before!  You'll see chases through alligator-infested swamps!  You'll see fast cars and big guns!  You'll see the Marine doing what he does best, fighting evil and standing strong and proud!


John Cena, a well-known wrestler, plays the lead role.  He obviously wanted to break into the movies and "break" he did:  he broke the bones of endless villains!

I won't assign a grade to this film, or I'd have to give it an F.  However, it could also get an A-..... for those who are willing to park their minds and escape to the world of one very angry marine out for revenge.


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