Wednesday, July 3, 2013

World War Z (WWZ)

Hi movie fans!

Check out the wonderful picture above.  That would be your favorite star, ladies, Brad Pitt, with his wife nearby and yes, a zombie with a knife in the back seat!

Does that whet your appetite?  If not, it sure whets the zombie's appetite! Haha.

I'm a zombie film lover, so I must admit to some bias before I offer my two cents on this delightful romp.  I find The Walking Dead series on TV absolutely captivating in its action and symbolism, and I watch almost every film made on the zombie theme.  OK, I confess: I'm weird when it comes to this genre!

WWZ?  A fine classic among this cult.  What makes it so good?

First off, the actors. Mireille Enos, the hero of the TV series The Killing, has a hauntingly beautiful face that expresses worry and angst every time she smilles. She is good!  Opposite her is none other than Brad himself.

In my mind, Mr. Pitt has gotten a bum rap, because the ladies go for him due to his looks.  Fact is, he's a damn fine actor. From the day he leaped into the libidos of the ladies in his role as the hitchhiker in Thelma and Louise, to the wonderful work he did in 12 Monkeys, to so many other portraits, Brad can really act!

Second positive point, the action.  Wow!  I will never spoil a movie for viewers, but these zombies are scary!  See, they don't just drag their feet like your standard zombie.  They run!  And fast!  In one of the most imaginative scenes ever, the undead, as they are called, scale a wall like ants!  Amazing!

Third, the story sort of works.  I can't give it away, but there's a strong plot line having to do with epidemiology.  How did the zombies get the disease?  Why does it spread?  How can it be stopped?

Of course, the film does not challenge us mentally.  It's all for entertainment.  So if you're in the mood for some lighthearted action, and lots of super film effects, get out and see this one!

Don't get eaten on the way!

1 comment:

  1. Not my cup o' tea, but I will probably see it because...well...because...o.k., yea, it's Brad. But I also trust his judgement in movie-making. And yours in movie-reviewing...well, usually. LOL!
