Admission: I LOVE the Toy Story series. I find it immensely rewarding when a film truly appeals to every age. Not an easy task. Humor must take its many forms, from slapstick on up to most subtle satire. For the adult audience of this film, we get the "adult" humor while also reveling in our own childhood and its level of humor. But TOY STORY goes beyond any UP or CARS; by inserting actual toys we and our children have nostalgically attached ourselves to with affection and loyalty, every scene elicits an undercurrent wave of "awwww" rolling through the rows of the movie-goers. (Rolling telephone, troll dolls, Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head...) And the repartee between Barbie and Ken was hilarious.
We sat in a full theatre crawling with kids. Normally, I would hate that. But it actually added to this experience. They were completely engaged and it felt downright bonding to laugh with the child next to me about the same lines. And, I doubt there was a dry eye by film's end, at least not from the adults!
I enjoyed this film the least of the three (typical). It had extended dark scenes and situations and created possible negativity in kids for day care (pile on the parent guilt). And the constant build-up of grave crisis after another seemed borrowed from too many action flicks. But all is equalized by conclusion.
This film makes a strong point about the importance of returning children to an era of imaginative play. To make something out of nothing. To create our own story lines, instead of being manipulated through a media's construct. Also, to value and care for the things we are entrusted to.
Andy has his Woody; my Nate had his Big Bird, Greg his Growl, and Jenna her Bunny. Just a few weeks ago, I asked my youngest (age 26) if he could go through his toy trove high on a closet shelf and perhaps whittle it down. FAT CHANCE OF IT NOW! I couldn't bear it myself.
Last note: can someone be a fan of a voice? I LOVE the voice of Joan Cusak. Her gravel-y, down-to-earth girl sound always makes things seem grounded. She's terrific.
Gotta admit to loving the Toy Story series too. Will RUN out to see it after your positive review. Funny reference to "whittling" down your kids' toys...we don't have the heart...still have them piled up in storage. Both our kids had their favorite fuzzy...without which/whom they would never go to sleep! I note you did not reference the tech effects...will do so when I see the film. Thanks for your touching review, film-buddy!