As a Quentin Tarantino follower, I had forgotten what a masterpiece this film is.
Squeezed between the film maker's debut of Reservoir Dogs of 1992 and Pulp Fiction of 1994, True Romance was made in 1993. It showcased a myriad of major actors, including Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette, Dennis Hoper, Val Kilmer, Gary Oldman, Brad Pitt, Christopher Walken, and Samuel L Jackson. Oh, and don't forget to include James Gandolfini, in the perfect gangster role that may have eventually landed him his great lead in The Sopranos.
Who's best? I'd put my money on Patricia Arquette. She played the ditsy moll with incredible flair...worthy, in my mind, of Oscar attention. Yes, all the QT ingredients are all there: guns, drugs, sex, shootouts, and even a bit of pre-Kill Bill Kung Fu stuff.
One reviewer says it well: I've seen Reservoir Dogs, I've seen Pulp Fiction & I've seen Jackie Brown, but for me this is Tarantino's best crime caper. Completely engrossing from start to finish, the story of the two lovers who are on the run is not entirely believable, but seriously enjoyable. You get your fill of guns, sex, style and pop-culture, and the usual array of celebrity cameos in a film that seems a whole lot more 'close'. Whereas Pulp Fiction felt like one long trailer, with every line razor-sharp and a load of hip music that made the film go so quickly, True Romance offers you the chance to savour every moment, as the film moves at a (slightly) slower pace. Enjoy the blazing finale, and just wonder how it might have turned out if Tarantino had got his hands on the camera...
So in case you missed this gripping flick, rent it and enjoy! My dear spouse and I were glued to the screen and did not stop for a coffee break!
Back to you, Valerie.
I "discovered" this film a couple years ago. I love it, too. Every time I think of Brad Pitt's rendition of one completely loaded I crack up. Every cast member contributed so much, including our dear Dennis Hopper.
ReplyDeleteThis brings me to comment on your earlier post: Pulp Fiction. First, I am a devoted fan of Tarantino (we a showing of P.F. at the Provincetown International Film Festival 2 summers back where Tarantino appeared to discuss and introduce the film. Tom even got to ask him a question!)
It is difficult to articulate what I love about him, except to say that he is like a Jaguar - I always know one when I see one. He has an uncanny knack for creatively blending macabre, unapologetic violence with satiric humor and nonchalance. He gets me to like really bad dudes. His unfailingly BRILLIANT use of soundtrack (particularly in P.F. and True Romance) not only make his trademark, but leads the viewer to feel like one is taking a hell of a ride. If you ask me to name one director who has a creative, truly consistent point of view and style, it is Quentin Tarantino.
Wow, you and Tom met QT? Amazing. Yes, he's quite a thinker...very outside the box! Cunning like a Jaguar! And, as you wisely said: "..an uncanny knack..." Right on! True, his music adds so much. Remember Michael Madsen dancing to "Stuck in the middle with you" as he tries to figure out who to shoot? And then there's Uma and John dancing up a storm to "It was a teenage romance and the old folks wished them well." My spin on your spin: We agree completely. No one surprises and achieves film magic quite like QT!