Gotta leave the big blockbusters every now and then to discover little known, little publicized film delights. The GRIND, made back in '97 (not to be confused with a made-for-TV film in '95) is such a flick.
No spoiler from this reviewer, as usual, but I can safely describe the general setting. Younger brother Eddie has just gotten out of prison for a non-violent crime conviction. He ends up on his brother's doorstep. The two reunite and enjoy the warmth and closeness of two siblings who love each other. Soon family life gets murky: both live on the edge of the law and deep down they are competitive and mean to each other.
Nice plotline!
Now add to that taut story some great acting. Billy Crudup, who has amazed audiences with his shaded performances, plays Eddie, the long-haired, edgy, amoral ex-con who returns to the family fold. Adrienne Shelly plays the older brother's wife with exceptional deftness and sensitivity. Don't miss the introduction of a young actress in her first minor role...the one and only Amanda Peet!
The headline in the photo above, "a gritty gem," characterizes the film nicely. We viewers are caught up in a sibling mess, and we wonder throughout the movie if and when the brothers' lives will unravel and spiral into tragedy.
Although I would have preferred a better ending, this film gets a A. It's got guts and staying power.
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