I do not share her view of NC. I thought he was fantastic in Leaving Las Vegas. This was no doubt his best work, for which he could or should have been recognized with at least an Oscar nomination. I liked him in the recent tongue-in-cheek thriller, Drive Angry. He was great in Captain Corelli's Mandolin. But one of his best roles is as a gun runner in Lord of War.
As usual, I will not give away the story. Basically, Cage plays a regular guy from Brooklyn who has a fascination with profit-making. He finds that there's money to be made in selling guns to the highest bidder.
Guns? Yes indeed. So expect lots of gunfire and some excellent action scenes. Expect sleazy fellows who buy the guns.
But expect most of all a story that is laden with ethical shading: do people kill or do guns kill? Is our protagonist justified in being an equal-opportunity gun supplier? Is there any morality in serving mankind's violent nature? Does the U.S. arm nations with any real discrimination?
There is more to this story than meets the eye. Great sibling relationship. Great portraits of bullies. Great tale of cop chasing bad guy. Great film stuff.
I would assign a grade of A-. The minus is for some required editing that was not done. The A is for a top-notch film worth seeing.
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