I consider the original Planet of the Apes a great American classic in film. It is iconic, innovative, and darn fun. Mind-blowing for its day - 1968 - film-goers were amazed at how far movie technology in costume and make-up had come. I remember vividly going to see it at Cine Capri with my high school boyfriend, Bill. Each time I've seen it since (I stop what I'm doing when I come across it on t.v.), I catch more and more clever details in it, and the last scene NEVER fails to give me chills.
However---every sequel to follow was crappy, cheesy, and commercial. Until now.
I thoroughly enjoyed this newest PREQUEL, and homage, to the original. Like the first, it pushes movie-making. We are now in a new era of technology. Enter Andy Serkis (not circus). Best known for his digital Gollom in Lord of the Rings, and his King Kong, he manages to convey stunning characterization to an "altered state." [Note: Andy had his nose quite out of joint when the Academy would not consider him for acting nomination in L of R. Perhaps it's time to re-think that, or create a new category.)
James Franco and Freida Pinto's contribution? Eh. The real main character here is Caesar, the ape. Not one word of originality in story or dialogue. It also lacked the intellect of the original. But this is worth it just to watch the effects - magnificent! I adored the loving, and spare, nods to the first one that only we real fans will catch and applaud. How many did you find?
This was great fun, and I want to go back and see it again.
I leave you with an affectionate glance at what started the whole P.of the A. machine.

Amazing, Valerie, how we much we both enjoyed the original. Yeah, who could forget the dazzling last scene when we view the Statue of Liberty on the beach...and Charlton Heston muttering something like, "My God, what have they done?" I'm a P of the A nut...can't get enough of the first movie and sequels. Very creative to think that we are the primitives of the world. Can't wait to see this new one with modern effects. After your positive review, I will rush out to see it.